

Hope you are doing well.

I thought I’ll take a moment to share a couple of thoughts about last weeks class with you.

  1. Lunch – we were all in for a pleasant surprise with such a good spread of foods which all of us really enjoyed. Pulav rice, chicken curry, chicken pasta, dal and salad – all top class and appealing to all people of different palates. Never knew that Farah was such a good cook, kudos to her.
  2. Post-lunch visiting professor’s session – after such a fine lunch, none of us expected anything to beat it but the combined lecture from Duncan and Ram was truly thought-provoking and inspiring. Both of them spoke from extensive experience in their respective fields, giving us an alternate, real-life and industrial perspective of leadership.

Warm regards,

Bushra Rizvi

I really enjoying my course certificate lll in micro business in Darwin.Its very useful and advanced course to promote someone to use their skills and stand their own feet.I thank to all my teachers and my mentor to guide me and boost my moral to grow.

Tahsin Hoque

I’m doing certificate 3 in Micro Business and I’m enjoying it a lot … specifically the technology, finance, customer service and communication class.- Tanzina Parveen.

Shiny James

I’m really happy doing my course certificate 3 in Micro Bussiness. All staff members are really nice and overall, this course is very interesting.

Desmond – PNG Air Services

I am very much happy that I have finally met relevant FLM requirements. Also you were very kind and helpful in all my assessments, and I must say great thank you for contributing immensely towards the accomplishment of FLM course.

FLM indeed thought me real workplace based stuff where many of them were not covered during my university days. Since I am currently the Training and Development Coordinator here, I have encouraged many of our staff members to attend the course, so please keep me in the loop when you are planning to facilitate the course any time at IBBM or anywhere in POM.

Keep in touch and you have a blessed afternoon.

Anita – Bank of South Pacific, Papua New Guinea

Hi Julie,

Really appreciate your support and encouragement. Would like to thank you and Andrew for your hard work in training/mentoring and coaching us and also encouraging. It was a pleasure knowing you both and a great experience being trained/mentored and coached by professionals like you both.

You will be missed not just by the staff but the Diploma in Management participants as well.

We will keep in touch with you both.

Dora – Frontline Management

Good morning Andrew and Julie, It’s been very challenging after my return from the Course and I am so happy and satisfied with how I carryout myself at the work place by putting what I have learnt into action. My team and I have been very happy and supportive to one and other in doing things together aiming for quality and achieving daily targets.

Some of the things that I have learnt was shared amongst my team and I have also noted improvement in the team’s efforts especially in helping one and other. Thanks once more to you both for the ample knowledge and skills which I see has great impact on my work too when put into practice.

PNG TAE 2015 Participant

‘And so appreciative of you and Andrew and the great work that you do,..you don’t just train people, you train from the heart and you give it your all! We’re a privileged lot to have had the experience to be trained by Andrew, thank you. You are such a wonderful team’.

PNG Dip of Management 2015 Participant

‘I am was very privilege to meet and openly discussed issues on the courses. I am very satisfied and I believe the interaction was very timely with my workplace project and the remaining of my assessments books.

Really appreciated your visit and do hope to see in your next visit.’

PNG Dip of Management 2015 Participant

‘Meeting with you was not only timely but most encouraging particularly for those of us who are currently facing serious challenges in our workplaces and at times were ready to throw in the towel. I felt quite rejuvenated after our session…enough to set time aside this long weekend to work on the completion of of my assignments.

Hope you, Andrew and the great team you have there with you have a blessed Easter.’

Trish – A to B Tradies Course

For the record, Jake is ‘loving’ the course. Naturally, I was curious when he got home after the first night so I asked him how he went. He spent ½ hour going through some things he’d learnt and suggested that if something similar come up, I should do it too. He then proceeded to say that he was ‘stoked’ to be learning stuff that some business owners never learn and he’s hoping it will give him an advantage ‘when he goes out on his own’.

Credit goes to the people who create the content AND to the gentleman at the front of the room for presenting things in such a way that a 20 year old ‘bloke’ enjoys learning.

Lawrence Wood

Excellent course all the tutors were very friendly and wanting to help you anyway they could. All the information was well planned and easy to follow. Thanks PENNY for coming down the extra day.

A to B Tradies Course

‘This is the best course Ive been on’.

A to B Tradies Course Participant

‘Only thing that kept me going through the day was knowing I was coming to the course tonight.’

Gima Kepi – Nationwide Microbank Limited, PNG

FYI, my work place project has now come under the APEC charter, and will be highlighted during the 2018 APEC deliberations here in PNG. I’m so thankful to God. Did not expect such a thing, but excited that MiBank will be get the recognition through this ADB pilot (which is the first in PNG J, perhaps the Pacific Islands).

I owe it to you all at LPI and IBBM for coming in at the right time in empowering through the Australian Dip. In Management, which for is an international qualification which I have achieved within my doorsteps. Thank God for you all as well.

Belinda Vivian – Tourism E Kit Fleurieu

“I just wanted to say what an incredible 3 day workshop! I am now quite motivated to move our business even a little further. Shane was terrific, he was so approachable, his knowledge and ability to translate to our language was very helpful!” “It was a lot of information in a short time and I am still processing it but cannot wait to start applying it. It was good to have a session located the Fleurieu Peninsula because it has given us an opportunity to network with real local businesses and help us ‘bundle’ some packages for our visitors.” Kind regards

First Migrant program in Small Business Management 2010 – Ronald Van Diessen

The moment is finally there that I can start executing my marketing plan. I’ve made some nice flyers that I will be spreading around to more and more businesses soon. The website still needs a lot of work, which should be finished before the end of September.(www.funwheels.com.au). But at least there’s something on there for now. I am waiting for a few nice days to do a photoshoot and make some You Tube videos. I have already hired out a fair few pedal go-karts, considering not much promo/advertising has been done. Everything is all a little delayed also due to my trip to the Netherlands recently.

I am also the South Australian dealer for BERG TOYS pedal go-karts (www.bergtoys.com) and will have to put a fair bit of effort into selling these top toys in SA.

Besides that we finally finished the last jobs for the cottage and this new self contained holiday home already proofs to be very popular! (see http://clareview.com.au/clare_cottage.html). 

I am not sure I will be having a grand opening yet for Fun Wheels, but if I will, I will definitely send you and Andrew and invite!

Certificate III in Micro-Business for people with a Disability.

“Hello & hi A & J, many kind thanks for uploading our Facebook Business page over the Adelaide Cup Weekend – since have won 13 new LIKERS and won 2 full house jobs – 1 is weekly and starting 2nd house job this week with another FB agency that is very similar ideas to mine – Abbie now employs people to do the physical side of the work while Abbie does all the administration and job placements when comes up.

Also won 1 cleaning full house with ABBA – Adelaide Busy Bees Assistants – only a once off for inspection – wonderful news and about time – taken 6 months that our business was doing nothing – wanting to say many thanks for sharing our business on your FB page. Kind Regards

Catherine Plush

ABBA – Adelaide Busy Bees Assistants & Bazza’s Gardening And Home Services

Certificate III in Micro-business

“I was thinking over the week end about the course and what it has meant to me and our business. There were a couple of things that were a stand out firstly a lot of the information I don’t remember and a lot I will never use again but I do know it and the proof of that is our awards. I t was the first submission that I wrote rather than one of my staff, I have included as an attachment our submission for the new tourism Product which started with the major project as part of the course with you. I think that the course that you run could use the awards as the major project as part of it or better still a extended course of submission writing as a business appreciation and marketing course.”

Matt Waller, Adventure Bay Charters.

Certificate 111 in Micro business

Thank you very much at LPI for helping us all to achieve our dream goals and working with us all so hard to get all our businesses together finally on 12.12.12. I loved the venue that you all had picked for our graduations – beautiful, lovely place and peaceful.

Jacy Arthur


Diploma of Management

Thank you so much for your encouragement and assistance, without which I don’t think I’d have made it. Thank you also to Andrew. Really looking forward to graduation day. Nancye

Micro-business Training for those with a Disability Program

Recommendation on Linked In

‘Andrew is a highly skilled, experienced and engaging trainer who has a gift for making learning a valuable experience by using a wide range of activities and using examples and illustrations from his own experience that are relevant, memorable and entertaining.’

Stacey Copas

Office of Education Quality Assurance South East Sulawesi, Indonesia

Thank for all you have done during the program. Excellent presentation, helpful, passionate and sense of humor. Love that all. Best wishes for you.

FarmBis & Indigenous Lands Corporation program in 2005

Have gained tools to create future job pathways for myself and others. This was new to me, but very good, relevant and timely. At this point the program is very stimulating and relevant to the direction I’m going to apply in work. Thanks Andrew.

Cara Disability Manager Development Program 2008-2009

Comments at six month evaluation included:

What I have achieved:

Public speaking, increased confidence, how to plan a project, report writing, recognising the importance of time management and planning, being prepared when presenting, working with a group of people I don’t usually work with.

Brian East CARA Executive Manager 2008

What I am taking back to the workplace is:

Delegating skills, being more assertive, recognising everyone has something to offer, planning & time management, importance of clear communication between all levels of staff, setting goals within a timeframe, importance of supporting team members.

Annete Hunter, CARA Manager 

What I have achieved:

New knowledge, improved confidence (I was scared), completing a project on time, better working relationships.

What I am taking back to the workplace is:

Information, enthusiasm, ways to empower staff

Christine Smith, CARA Manager

Samoan MCIL Effective Leaders and Empowering People 2010

Comments from participants included:

  • Overall excellent and very professional trainer
  • Good organising with change of venues. Overall it was an excellent training program.
  • This is one of the best training that I have ever attended. Like to have more.
  • Such a very productive and useful training for me personally as a leader. I can now be able to motivate and change the way i approach my staff through applying Covey’s 7 habits
  • Thank you very much Andrew trust you have a safe trip back home
  • Excellent training
  • The trainer was the best in his lecturing process. Very clear. Understandable.
  • The trainer was very motivational & energetic which made the course very alive. Using so many different activities to ensure that the concepts are stuck in our minds
  • Would there be a continuation of this course

Government of South Australia Department of Further Education, Employment, Science & Technology Employment Programs – Skill Recognition Services

Learning Potential International was successful in 2010 in attracting funding under the Productivity Places Program, a Program of the Australian Government’s Skilling Australia for the Future Initiative. In November 2010, Learning Potential International commenced training the first of two groups in Certificate 4 in Small Business Management for skilled Migrants. 18 participants have undertaken the training.

During this time Learning Potential International has:

  • Conducted Business in a highly professional manner
  • Maintained a Strong and Flexible approach in their training
  • Provided timely and consistent reports on the monitoring of participants performance
  • Adopted clear and open communication practices between SRS and participants
  • Met key training indicators and milestones, and
  • Value added through the use of highly experienced business specialists

Learning Potential International has assisted participants by providing opportunities to develop the skills they need to effectively run their own business and to be successful in the world of business.

Angela De Marco, Manager – Skills Recognition Services

Diploma of Management – Cara Inc

Hi Julie and Andrew,

I just have to thank you both again for Tuesday I am still in disbelief at how special you made each one of us feel, it was the most unforgetable day of my life (even more so than my wedding day).

I can say it was the worst day because of the nerves and expectations I had put on myself and the best day because of the support and encouragement of everyone present. I have never given a presentation before and even though I don’t remember a thing I said it gives me a warm feeling knowing I conquered a fear. I have had 2 other ceremonies to receive awards with 2 other organisations and yours was the most proffessional and well organised in fact there is no comparison. You guys are the best! Lorraine

Certificate IV in Small Business Management for Skilled Migrants

Thanks Julie. This is my first course completion in Australia and will remain close to my heart. Have a nice day. Subroto

Cara – A place for Opportunity

To Whom it May Concern, 
Learning Potential International is a preferred provider at Cara for leadership and management training. Learning Potential has been the successful bidder and provider in a number of leadership programs that have been designed and tailored to meet the needs of the organisation and participants.

Feedback from the key stakeholders within Cara has been highly positive:

  • Very good planning and integrating of different learning
  • resources and projects
  • Strong and flexible training style
  • Clear and effective assessment processes
  • Very good understanding of the needs of learners/participants
  • Successful use of trainers with specialist knowledge
  • Strong coaching support to trainees
  • Strong support to line Managers and stakeholders to make
  • work based learning projects successful
  • Successful alignment of training delivery and work based projects and assessments to the strategic directions and operational framework of Cara 
  • Value adding through meetings and support to participants and project mentors and coaches 
  • Demonstrable knowledgeable of program context and organisational needs at Cara

Learning Potential International principals have been intimately involved in the planning and delivery of the programs at Cara and have worked closely with the senior management team to plan, review progress, and adapt learning strategies. They have provided significant added value and development to the improvement and organisational growth at Cara.

Extract from letter from Millie Hunt, new Adventure tourism operator, commenting on business coaching by Andrew Inglis

“Right from the start you have been a very valuable person to my business and me. Every time we meet you always seem to come up with other ideas for my business. A lot of time too, you have suggestions that improve my way of thinking. The positive words you display are infectious. I always feel good after our meetings. This has encouraged me so much, that I have never researched a possible business idea so much. Personally, I have found you to be funny, kind, considerate and honest. These are only a few good qualities that I have mentioned, but you possess many more. This has led to a good, trusting, working relationship between us.” 

Millie Hunt 16/05/05

AusAID Tourism Promotion Authority capacity building in Papua New Guinea 2004

Andrew Inglis was Educational Coach, facilitator and assessor for the programs. Over 160 participants completed a leadership program (6 courses) and customer service program (6 courses). All were managers and frontline staff from hotels, guest houses, village tourism attractions, tour guides, car hire and reception staff most with basic English skills and unfamiliar with attending training course. Some of the feedback was:

  • This workshop has given us an opportunity to do practical exercises and helped us in public speaking area thanks
  • Excellent course, very important topics covered. We need this sort of courses run in our provinces
  • Eye opening though that tourism was hotel and accommodation only it is more than that
  • The course was well presented, I need to attend more courses in the future
  • Inspiring course that improved my skills and knowledge
  • Though I have a fair bit of training experience from my job background, the course was a great morale booster and very, very useful, particularly with my added responsibilities in tourism training

Tanzanian Leadership Develop Program 2008

Thanks for unlocking my potential. Excellent course and the presenter is just perfect. The training is very important to develop our company staff. Real happy and enjoyed it. Andrew performed an excellent job.

Samoan PSC Designing and Developing Training Programs 2009

Comments from participants included:

  • Great learning techniques & skills to use for training in our organisation.
  • Need more of this training in the future.
  • Thanks very much for the opportunity given to experience different people with different personalities.
  • To have more things like this to refresh our understanding in doing our work
  • Excellent training
  • I valued the training very much, very informative and useful. I only encountered one problem, this was working together in my team.
  • Overall training was excellent. I was able to learn some good pointers for presentation skills & about gaining confidence in presenting!!
  • A good structured training
  • Thank you Andrew for this training, I’ve learnt a lot of new things and from now on will be able to design & develop training programmes.
  • Overall – excellent training!!
  • Excellent course in preparing trainers
  • Well organised training and remarkable/ competent trainer
  • I would like a review or follow up course especially on another level of this subject. It’s a useful and interesting topic especially in the public service.
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