
A key component of our success has been LPI’s ability to work collaboratively with clients to identify funding opportunities from a variety of sources including local, state and federal government, private organisations, Philanthropists, and access to off-shore funding initiatives.  LPI’s team has had extensive experience working in government in various capacities and private industry which has allowed them to source and keep abreast emerging trends and relevant funding opportunities which align with our clients needs.  LPI are members of extensive number of funding opportunity sources which, as suitable funding opportunities arise, we match against our clients needs.  LPI has a track record of working with AusAID on international projects in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Samoa. We would be happy to discuss specific needs and work with you to identify possible funding sources to assist in development of customised initiatives.

Tendering and submitting expressions of interest and proposals are very time consuming, costly and often unsuccessful for organisations. LPIs team have many years of experience in identifying funding opportunities and submitting successful responses worth anywhere from a few thousand dollars to multi million dollar projects.  Our success rate is high with 1 in every 2 tenders or better funded. The success is due to our knowledge of and understanding of how the proposals are put together, what makes a successful tender, ensuring it is well structured, covers all the key elements of the call for proposal, ensuring the right team have been selected, demonstrating experience and responding in a way that they proposal is persuasive and compelling whilst providing value for money.  LPI are happy to share our experience with you and would welcome discussion around specific needs.

LPI have over 30 years combined experience in managing projects for our clients of varying size and complexity.  Our experienced team have qualifications in Project Management embracing the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). We have demonstrated extensive experience in delivering quality project outcomes on time and within budget that is responsive to client needs.  We take pride in our development of detailed project plans, selecting the most qualified team, establishing effective communication strategies, developing monitoring and evaluation plans, ensuring financial management and risk management strategies are in place and engaging key stakeholders. Projects we have been involved in managing are diverse ranging from small client based initiatives through to multi-million dollar Government funded projects delivered both nationally and internationally with culturally diverse teams.

LPIs Directors have extensive experience in developing quality assurance systems and processes for continuous improvement. The framework incorporated into any quality system is Plan, Do, Check, Act. We take pride in consulting  with our clients and stakeholders to ensure quality systems are designed and customised to suit specific needs. The focus may be on Business Development, Project Management, Performance Management and Governance structures.  In addition, LPI have established quality systems for organisations requiring assistance in becoming a Registered Training Organisation in line with the Australian Quality Training Framework. 

Of recent Julie Inglis has been involved in assisting clients establish research centre’s which are funded over a period of 3 – 8 years.  This has included the review of the requirements, planning in consultation with key stakeholders, development of a management and governance structure incorporating sound quality system and process incorporating a review timeframe and improvement process to ensure the system is meeting the needs of the client as their requirements change.

LPI run programs to empower people in organisations through problem-solving, coaching and implementing improvement strategies. Andrew Inglis has experience training improvement teams (quality circles) in tools of quality improvement. In addition Julie Inglis has extensive experience in assisting clients with the development of Management and Governance structures, organisational Strategic Plans, Business Plans, Marketing and Communication Strategies, Risk Assessments and quality systems and processes.  All are designed to support the future directions and growth of a small medium business or department / unit within a larger organisation. 

  • BSB30315 Certificate III in Micro-Business Operations
  • BSB42615 Certificate IV in New Small Business

LPI designs and delivers a range of leadership programs, aligned with nationally recognised qualifications in business and management.  LPI customises learning resources to match a diverse range of clients. Units of competency are packaged to build leadership effectiveness and empower people.  Coaching support is a key success factor and workplace improvement projects are the basis of assessment.

  • BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

Cross-cultural workshops explore ways of getting people of diverse backgrounds, gender and culture to work effectively together. We challenge stereo-typing, attitudes and values and help break down communication barriers. Practical approaches to capitalise on diversity will be discovered. Workshops can be tailored to meet specific workplace needs such as:

  • Working with people from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB)
  • Cultural issues in merging with another company
  • Implementing strategies to improve gender equity
  • Dealing with a new or diverse range of customers
  • Utilising different staff in implementing change & innovation
  • Creating a positive, fair & equitable work environment

Coaching and mentoring is a key factor in the success of many organisations. LPI specialises in implementing coaching and mentoring strategies in organisations and communities. The ‘I GROW’ coaching model is used to effectively empower individuals to achieve goals in life and work.

LPI has a cross-cultural coaching team to assist, motivate and support individual participants and project teams. An Indigenous Mentoring Team focuses on providing support services for Indigenous communities, organisations and individuals. Team members have skills in assessment, coaching and cultural understanding to meet needs and aspirations of Indigenous people.

Coaching and mentoring is an integral success factor in our methodology to ‘unlock the potential of individuals’. Our Mentor model is based on valuing individuals, building confidence and skills, cultural competencies, overcoming obstacles, exploring different options, making decisions to move forward whether it is in life issues, community development projects, employment of small / micro business.

Benefits of mentoring:

  • helps individuals achieve work and life goals
  • assists in developing skills
  • creates pathways and options for employment
  • encourages and supports.

Coaching & mentoring approaches have been incorporated into Australian and International programs. An Indigenous Mentor team provides value-added culturally appropriate support for Aboriginal communities. 

Experiences in cross-cultural coaching have been used to develop a coaching model for integrating personal, community and business goals.

To assist in achieving your goals and unlocking potential, from time to time it is important that we consider partnering with another organisation or individual to ensure our objectives are met. This is not always easy. Identifying the right individual to support you is challenging depending on your networks and experience. Ensuring they are the right partner for you can sometimes be clouded if they have a close personal relationship. Equally as challenging is identifying the right organisation to partner with ensuring they align to your values and direction of your organisation. There are generally three levels of partnering which you may consider – 1) Project Specific 2) Relationship Management 3) Strategic Partnerships. Depending on your short, medium and long term goals determines on which level of partnership you may require at a moment in time.

Partnering can be complex but at the same time very rewarding. It allows you to access additional resources and expertise that your organisation may be missing without adding additional costs to your organisation. 

We are able to assist in identification of possible partners and screen the partnerships in line with your specific requirements. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you your goals which may be realised faster through a partnering arrangement. 

Study tours and Fellowships are tailored for business professionals, parents of students, teachers and migrants interested in working, living or studying in South Australia. All of our tours include a comprehensive education program, friendly hospitality, quality accommodation or home stay arrangements, Australian cultural awareness, English language support and sightseeing provide value-added experiences for visitors. We have strategic alliances with Universities, TAFE, Schools and industry to provide clients with a range of study options. Customised tour programs are designed to meet specific needs and budget.

Local Govt. Finance Managers Indonesia

Managers in Disability Services Australia

All resources are customised for clients. The units of competency (topics) are packaged to build leadership potential and achieve business outcomes.

Topics include: leadership, time management, delegation, organising work, implementing operational plans, safety in the workplace, risk assessment, managing projects, teamwork, effective relationships, dealing with conflict, performance management, professional development & training, customer service strategies, continuous improvement, problem-solving and presentation skills.

Success factors include:
  • Active fun learning
  • Assessment tasks that are designed to suit client needs
  • Workplace projects
  • Coaching & mentoring support in programs

Programs are designed to strengthen education institutions by means of building capacity in mastering and applying the required competencies as professional teachers. It aims to increase the quality of education whilst achieveing  sustainability.

Aimed to develop the skills and increase the ability of Managers, Principals, Teachers and School Leaders to manage the performance of staff. Development of key result areas and key performance indicators and standards, coupled with regular and timely coaching and feedback, provide the basis for performance management.

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