Customised Programs

Programs are designed with a workplace focus to develop leadership, improve teamwork & work relationships, customer service, safety, performance, information technology , operational plans, OH&S and quality. Interactive workshops, workplace tasks and projects are tailored to empower managers, team leaders and administrators. Accreditation available.

Team Innovation workshops

Come and discover the skills for innovation and design thinking in this practical workshop. This 2-day program will give you ideas, motivation and tools to be innovative and creative. Get your TEAM together and reinvigorate your workplace!

We may want to be ‘innovative’ and ‘creative’ to gain market share and generate income but where and how do we start?  The TEAM INNOVATION Workshops will challenge conventional thinking, get you to think upside down and use structured Design Thinking innovation processes from Stanford University and De Bono creativity tools to create new products and services. How does Biomimicry fit into innovation?

Businesses and individuals have the potential to be innovative and provide unique and different products and services – we need to think outside the box, explore wild ideas and then refine thinking to make it happen in our state.  We’ll look at some innovative ideas from across the world. Engage in some ‘upside down’ thinking in teams and let your creativity run wild using a structured Design Thinking process for change.

Presentation Skills – 1 day workshop

Attend a workshop or one-to-one sessions designed to help prepare a professional presentation. Learn practical skills in developing resources, use PowerPoint or overheads effectively. Gain confidence, credibility and rapport with the audience. Ideal for project presentations, conference presentations, tender submissions or training workshops.

Starting a small business – 10 day workshop (in 1-2 day blocks)

This program is designed to unlock the business potential of individuals to run their own business focusing on Skills in setting up a business, Marketing advice, Improved business planning, More effective business operations, Customer service strategies, Financial management tools and techniques. Accreditation available BSB30315 Certificate III in Micro Business Operations and BSB42615 in New Small Business.

Business Improvement Series – 2-5 day programs

Achieve productivity, improve quality, enhance customer services in a series of workshops designed to solve problems. Use Total Quality Management strategies and tools of continuous improvement to develop innovative and creative solutions to present recommendations to management.

Manager as Coach – 2 day program

Become a workplace ‘coach’ by applying coaching strategies of identifying needs, listening, questioning, giving feedback, setting goals, developing teams and taking action. Practice using the I GROW model to help staff achieve goals. These coaching skills will lead to winning results. Coaching programs are designed for managers and team leaders to improve people performance.

Coaching & Mentoring – 2 day workshop

A coach helps individuals and teams to achieve results and move forward. A coach helps individuals balance life and work and get motivated to achieve goals. A mentor is someone we respect and can seek advice and direction with in work or life. Implement coaching and mentoring in your organisation for successful outcomes.

Excellence in Customer Service – 1 day workshop

Review your level of customer complaints and issues in providing excellent products or services in your organisation. Explore satisfaction surveys, focus groups, moments of truth opportunities for external and internal customers. Analyse the data and develop customer service strategies for your organisation. Be responsive and proactive in meeting staff and client needs. Improve customer services and processes and systems to deliver excellence in customer service

Better Buddy Series – 5 day Team Leader/Supervisor Program

Work with new staff member as a “buddy’ to develop their skills in the workplace. Improve your own confidence, leadership, coaching & training skills to empower and motivate others. Learn tips and techniques for dealing with difficult situations. Build skills in managing time, organising work, delegating tasks, communicating effectively, planning work priorities and monitoring performance.

Capitalising on Diversity – 1 day workshop

Understand and embrace differences bewteen staff. Consider culture, age, gender, physical abilities, generation, experiences, language & literacy, personalities of staff that add value and at times create barriers to working together. Recognise the strengths and opportunities of working effectively with others.Develop an action plan to capitalise and promote inclusivity,equity and fairness with different people.

Winning Teams – 1 day workshop

Is your team winning? What is your current perception and reality when it comes to assessing team performance .Find out what makes teams perform better than others. Look at team roles, responsibilities and coordination. Join in an interactive fun session involving simulation games to build teamwork. Determine your own coaching style and contribution to teamwork. Look at strategies to improve team and individual performance.

Learning Styles – 1 or 2 day workshop

How do we learn? What helps us learn? As we understand more about learning we can apply adult learning principles to our teaching and training. What are some barriers to learning? Identify strategies to improve learning outcomes

Performance Management – 1 to 2 week program

What is Performance management and how can it improve organisational objectives through participation. The program aims to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes to performance management utilising a coaching and mentoring model. Developing an effective coaching culture in the workplace improves quality and performance improving leadership and workplace relationships.

Professionalism in Education Study Tours- timing to meet client needs

The programs are relevant and designed to create a learning environment that provides participants with greater knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning practices embraced in Australia. It provides a repertoire of strategies for improvement of teaching and learning outcomes and fosters opportunities to build ongoing school to school relationships. The program includes education workshops and school placements that are complimented by a social program designed to increase your knowledge of Australian education and Australian culture.

Presentations are interactive, interesting and relevant and include a range of topics that will provide an overview of the Australian education system and current trends, methodologies and best practice in Australian schools. The topics are carefully chosen to meet specific skills and knowledge gaps which are implemented through workbased projects upon completion.

A range of other customised workshops can be provided upon request. Refer to Recent Projects for details of recent examples.

NT Government Funding

All courses in NT are subsidised by the NT Government under the NT Training Entitlement Grants and the NT Government Equity Training Grants. Government funding opportunities are subject to change, and eligibility requirements are also applicable, so please contact us to discuss your options.  Current NT Courses are funded under new 2017 funding.

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